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Friday, August 22, 2008

Winds of Change

Over the last year I have been pondering whether or not nursing was a good career. I had decided that I definitely wanted to work somewhere in the medical profession.

The idea of actually pursuing that kept coming back to me so last Thursday when I saw an ad in the newspaper to sign up for fall classes, I took the plunge. Beginning September 2nd I will be going back to school to get my Licensed Practical Nurse certificate.

Of the ten classes needed to prepare for the program, I have completed five. So this fall I will be taking ten credits and in the spring I will be taking seven or eight. Also in the spring I apply for Vermont Technical College's practical nursing program, which lasts ten and a half months.

The timing of all the is contingent on my 2nd degree plan being accepted (I know this afternoon.) If my plan is not accepted, I will go to school full time the next two semesters to fulfill all the requirements .

So as of the beginning of September all of us will be going back to school, except Jacob (though I am sure he will learn a lot!)


erica said...

Yeah, so exciting!

Abby said...

Lauren! That is such great news! I am so excited for you and I am sure you must feel just wonderful about this decision. Congratulations!

Laurie said...

Good for you!!!!
I am so impressed with mother's who take the plunge. someday I'll get the courage to do so as well.
Good luck!

p.s. VTC? so you'll be moving here right:):)just kidding. but in the area at times right?

Anonymous said...

COOL! That sounds exciting!

Mama Ash Grove said...

I am so happy you are doing this! This is just wonderful!

Mummy. said...

congratulatiosn Lauren! What a wonderful plan.

Mummy. said...

congratulatiosn Lauren! What a wonderful plan.

Becky said...

Hurray for you!

Hannah Joy said...

This is awesome. Busy lady you will be. I am so proud of you!

Mummy. said...

laurie! bit your tongue. They are not moving anywhere!

VermontMom said...

Aah I have finally figured out the posting a comment thing. It really wasn't so much that I was technilogically sad but that I just hadn't made the time and focus. That being said. Hurray for you Lauren and all your famiy who I know will support you!!