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Monday, August 11, 2008


This morning I carried an inch worm in on my pants (I was walking in tall grass.) I loved the concentration on the kids face as they observed the inch worm for so long. I hope that nature always holds this kind of fascination for them and that their minds are never tainted by the over stimulation of video games and movies. (They have a place, but I mean OVER stimulation.)


Mama Ash Grove said...

Lauren I have no doubt your kids will always love the beauty of nature!

Unknown said...

That is a great image! I like Sophie's soft hands, and their little heads grouped together. Inch worms will always fascinate them, I know because they always fascinate me!

erica said...

Dang the "1 comments"

Jennifer Bundy said...

My kids love to find "worms" out in the wild and make little homes for them in bowls full of food (grass and leaves). I don't let them stay inside though, so in the morning when they go to check on them, a lot of times, they are gone! But the kids still love watching them.