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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Winter Play

Yesterday the sun was shining and I thought, "what a perfect day to play outside." Little did I know that the sun was actually on vacation and had a very convincing look alike in its place. It was freezing out there!!! Still the "sun" was nice and the cold didn't stop the kids at all. Jacob's socks were even bothering him so I took them off and he was barefoot in his boots. His toes stayed nice and roasty toasty.

Even though Sophie is mid-word here, I still think it is a cute picture of her. She was collecting chunks of ice as rare crystals and selling them. Small remembering crystals were $1 and large crystals were $50.

She also had little icy balls of snow that were dinosaur eggs. She built a special nest for them. I am a little envious of her imaginative skills.

My sweet little brown eyed boy...

...who cannot keep the snow out of his mouth. I would like to say he is discerning about what kind of snow goes in his mouth, but he doesn't care, no matter how many times I tell him.

Jacob also likes to eat snow, though this is not a photo of him doing it. What is it about snow that makes it appealing and edible to a kid?

Jacob was picking up chunks of icy snow and throwing them off the "mountain" (much to the peril of all of us!) At one point he threw a piece, lost his balance and hit his face on the snow. Because of the melting and rain and then freezing we had, it was not nice snow to fall on and he got a scratch on his nose and forehead that is still visible today.


Mama Ash Grove said...

We were out yesterday too and it was COLD.
One of Ella and Ollieś favorite things to do with those chunks of hard snow is to pretend they are prehistoric animal/dino bones and that they are archeologists. Our kids have similar minds!
And yes, my kids eat snow too. No matter how much I tell them it could be dirty.

martha said...

Annabelle loves to pick up snow off the stairs and try to eat it. I have to stop her because it is usually combined with sidewalk salt. Lots of snow here. It was wet and heavy yesterday, about 8 inches. Last night it was light fluffy stuff, about another 3 inches. So much for spring coming early.

Abby said...

that is one thing about good ole' vermont. It might look sunny and gorgeous but you can't be fooled. It is often playing tricks on you.
Sophie is very imaginative. It is so fun to play like that. What a sweet picture of Ben! And for petes sake that snow chunk is bigger then Jacob himself!

Unknown said...

Darling kids Lauren! And all that snow! Oh my! Good work!

Unknown said...

I think kids eat the snow because they play and get thirsty, and the snow feels good. Hsin I says Ben looks like a teddy bear in those first pictures. They look really cute out there.