These next few photos are of clouds are from a storm that came in so fast a furious. There were actually tornado warnings in parts of the state so when the storm blew in I got a little nervous.
These first two photos were of cloud fingers that looked like they were reaching down to pluck you up. They were better in person.
These clouds made a horizontal tunnel in the sky and they happened to form just as the sun was setting so they were glowing in a creepy way.
This SPECTACULAR thunderhead was on the southern horizon. The other clouds were on the western horizon. When the two met, the storm got scary looking. In the end it was a great, long lasting, but relatively harmless storm.
Look at the cool curlique in the flower!
This moth was so huge you could see the light reflected in his/her eye.
This moth was a brilliant orange. It comes across as peachy, but it was more of a salmon color.
wowo what a bunch of pictures.
The clouds creep me out a bit. The vole biting Jacob. good Daddy carrying the boys upstairs. Glitter girl.
Great family shots. I lov eyou guys!
Moths are (can be) so great. The orange and browns are some of my faves.
I love this whole post! Those moths you found are really gorgeous. The photo of the clouds that look like they are brewing is really intense, so very nice.
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