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Sunday, November 02, 2008


Don't worry, no one needs surgery, but we often perform surgery for fun around here.

I guess Aaron had something seriously wrong with his finger and Sophie performed a successful amputation, though you can see from the photo there is a considerable amount of pain (no anesthesia of course.)

After the amputation, Sophie had to measure for the attachment of a new finger.

Then the serious surgery began. I think this saw is actually to sew the new finger on.

Meanwhile the boys were providing distractions, you know to keep up the morale of the patient.

Finally, Ben made a celebratory...birthday cake. Congratulations on a successful surgery Nurse Carol!!! ( this is what Sophie call herself when performing medical procedures)

Last but not least, Aaron loves to pull all three kids onto his lap and proclaim, "I'm rich!!!!


Abby said...

I miss the days when I could play and not feel or look silly.
I think its so sweet that Aaron says that when all three kids are on his lap. You have such a happy - good lookin' family.

Erica said...

So, funny. I especially find Sophies medical name entertaining.
I would say that Aaron has hit the nail right on the head. You guys are rich.

Caitlin and Jared said...

Those are the best pictures! What a fun, happy family!!

Mama Ash Grove said...

Yes Aaron looks like he is in agony.
Sophie is a good little surgeon. I had no idea!
And Aaron is rich! You both are rich!

Unknown said...

That last pic and statement I think is going to bring tears to my eyes in about . . . okay, i forced it back. Im at work and that would be embarassing, Otherwise I would be balling now. You guys are rich!
on a lighter note, all those orange and red scarves looked like the "blood" of the surgury. And I would hate for a nurse to remove my finger. Aaron was very brave.