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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Parenting Practices: Epic Fail 

Sunday Ben came into our room crying because Jacob had punched him on the chest.  This is what began my epic parenting fail.

I called to Jacob to come into our room and when he arrived I said, "Ok Ben, punch Jacob in the chest."  What I anticipated was that Jacob would object and in that moment of protest I would have the opportunity to offer my sage council,
 "Now Jacob, if you don't want to be punched why would you do that to Ben?"

This would then send Ben into loving convulsions of hugs and kisses proclaiming his love for Jacob his best brother.  Jacob would embrace Ben with tears in his eyes begging forgiveness for the damage of body and spirit he had caused to Ben and they would skip off into the sunset with Full House music playing in the background, never to fight again. 

Instead Jacob immediately squared himself for the blow and without missing a single beat, Ben punched him in the chest and Jacob began crying with a look of shock in his eyes about what had just happened.

I sat there for a split second trying to figure out how I was going to fix this when Aaron offered his opinion, "This is what we call a bad parenting moment."  

I guess I'll just archive this away along with the skinning rabbit, "little bit of blood" incident with Sophie and others which I will not go into detail for fear that I am incriminating myself.

And just to be on the safe side, I'sign off with a code never saw me or heard me or met me...capisce?


sabofamily said...

everybody has moments like that! ((hug)) not a parenting fail, sometimes we try stuff, and it just doesn't work, so we move on and try to forget LOL. You are awesome parents, and I know you have awesome very much loved children.

Abby said...

oh dear! That is a funny story though....haha

Mitch n' Molly said...

Extremely eloquent Lauren!!! I laughed out loud! You are hilarious! Perhaps next time Ben will just punch him back, therefore taking you out of the equation.... My grandpa saved a pair of old boxing
gloves and let his kids go at each other. Also hilarious!