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Monday, May 18, 2009


We have been raising tadpoles for a science project. I have been feeding them boiled lettuce. The internet said that they love it, and they really seem too. They flock right to it when I put it in.

And I found this little guy in my garden this morning. I didn't take the time to get a good shot because he seemed a little frantic and I wanted to get him back outside so excuse the flash whiteout.


Abby said...

how fun! there is something really cute about those tad poles. and i like that little lizard. it must have been fun to find him.

Unknown said...

NEAT!! Keith and I saw a watersnake. We were crossing a little bridge over a stream and it plopped into the water and swam away. Keith and I both screamed bloody murder and hightailed it away from the stream. After the shock went away, I remembered that I had dreamed the night before about snakes!! And then a few nights ago I dreamed of scorpians, and I saw a scorpian the next morning!! Cool lizard thing! And cute tad-poles. :-) You guys are so animal, insect friendly.