I have a video of Ben swinging that will appear when we have DSL, so a still will have to capture the joy for now.
I took lots of photos of Sophie playing with her Polly Pocket, but she wasn't interested in a photos shoot so the best I can get is play in action. She looks so grown up to me. By the way do you know that she only has 6 1/2 days until she is done with her first year of school? And only 5 1/2 days until she is 6?
Wow, she really is looking grown-up!
Where did our baby girls go? The little newborn with the dark stand up hair and the blond curly headed one year old who incessantly said "Baby!" over and over whenever she saw her first cousin Sophie?
Her room looks like a teenager room! Well, from that photo it does. Sohpie really is grown up. She looks so sweet playing dolls!
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