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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A Wealth of Knowledge

Ben got a book about sharks out of the library. In this video he reads some of the "facts" he has learned about sharks. Sophie is the manning the camera.

In case you can't hear, this is what Ben said...
"Sharks can eat 1000 milligrams in one day. They eat brush and corncobs and fish."

For those not on Facebook, I will share a story that I think may have had something to do with this book.

We had fish for dinner one night and Jacob, very skeptically asked, "Is this lobstah?" "No Jacob it's fish." "Is it cwab (crab)?" "No Jacob, it's tilapia." "Then why does it look like a hammah head shawk (hammer head shark)?"

My transcription of course does no justice to Jacob's sweet little tone of voice and accent, but hopefully you get the gist of it.


Abby said...

That makes my heart just melt! Both the sounds of Ben's voice reading and imagining the sound of Jacob's voice saying that. I love those boys!

Mummy. said...

I wish I had sound over here!

Mama Ash Grove said...

Both those boys are really special- and very sweet!