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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Random: First Week of School

This has proven to be an exciting first week of school.  So far it has included LOTS of cleaning and de-cluttering, several trips to the school without kids since they insisted on riding the bus but I needed to be up there for one reason or another, one trip to the emergency room (don't worry everything is fine) and one emergency trip to the vets (this situation might be less fine).  I am hoping that next week will be a little quieter.
I had to fight hard for this picture and as I was fighting, disaster kept averting me from getting it.  First I had forgetten to put the memory card in , then I sent Ben to get a card. 7 hours later (this may be an exaggeration) I sent Sophie to see what was taking so long.  She reported that there weren't any memory cards.  Finally risking Aaron leaving because he hates this tradition, I went in, found the 2 memory cards right where I told the kids they were and was about to snap the picture when one of the dogs got out.  Kudos to Aaron for being patient even though he hates this tradition that I treasure so dearly.
Jacob looks scared in all of his pictures.  I think he was more nervous than he let on.  He is adjusting well though.  His biggest struggle is getting enough sleep.  6:45 is a big change as he often sleeps in until 9:00 and sometimes even 10:00, though usually he is up by 8:30 (I am trying to save my image as a parent here.)
Monkey Ben.  Remember that trip to the ER I mentioned?  Combine this picture with an argument/competition over who gets to go first in line and you get a head first fall on your noggin rendering you nearly unconscious and making you miss half of the second day of school you desperately want to go to.
Sophie has reached that wonderful age when they become oh so aware of "the self."   It took me about 12 shots to get a good picture of Sophie
Resulting in many pictures like this that Sophie requested I not put on the blog.  True to my word I did not put any of those on here, but she didn't see this one so I figure it was fair game.   I think this makes me a bad mom.
See, there is that scared look again.
I can not tell you how thrilled I am that Ben has this teacher.  She is so willing to work with Ben and his unique learning style.  Her words when I asked how the first day went; "He did great!  He was poking holes in the erasers, but he was answering all the questions. I don't care if he pokes holes in the erasers."
Do you realize I have a middle school-er!?  I didn't think anything about it until Sophie brought home a paper on Monday about 5th grade music and then it hit me.  Where has the time gone!!!!!!???
First Day of School Ice Cream Social.  Noah was the star of the show.  Unfortunately I arrived a little late and missed the traditional presenting of the kindergarten class by the graduating class.  It gets me every time to see where kids start and what they become.
So there you have it.  A public accounting of my bad parenting, please don't use it against me. 


Abby said...

I love this tradition. They all look so cute on their first day of school! (I might even say especially Aaron! That stud)

Mama Ash Grove said...

Lauren, you are a stinkin' awesome mother, don't ever doubt that!!!
I love these photos. HUGS

Caitlin and Jared said...

There was nothing in that post that led me to believe you are a bad mother--nothing at all!