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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Farm Life

We were in a parade for our local celebration, Old Home Day. Since we were in it I have no pictures of us in it, but after the parade was over to boys got to climb on a HUGE combine that was in the parade.

And someone suggested that I take a photo of the view of our garden from the back door. It is a very satisfying view.

It was an excellent garden year. Some of that was Aaron's hard work and diligence, and a lot of it I can thank no one else but the Lord.

It does make a little scared for what kind of winter we are going to have, because lets face it, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away."


Mummy. said...

You know I love that garden!

Abby said...

That garden looks really nice. I am still bitter about our pathetic turn out this year.
I bet those boys had so much fun! What cuties

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

That is the 2nd blog I have looked at in the past 5 minutes with an amazing garden. I blame my gardens on harsh weather...never mind my neighbor's garden, I'm sure my soil is different.

Julie Cornelius-Huang said...

You always have the most beautiful gardens. Straight rows & symmetry. NICE!!