Aaron is the first one up and ready to go.
All three of the school bound folks
Sweet Sophie waiting for a ride to school. I take them on the first day so she isn't actually waiting for the bus.
Ben, raring to go on his first day of kindergarten!
I had to get the two of them together. Ben is SO excited to be going to Sophie's school.
Now it is just Jacob and I. I think he might be excited about that! (Oh and for those familiar with car seat laws...that isn't his seat, he just paused on the way to his seat for a photo.)
Ben and Mrs. Mesa. Ben wanted to hold up the eyeball but...
I did take one without the eyeball.
Sophie and Mrs. Williams pretending to talk seriously about attendance
Here is the real deal.
They always have the seniors introduce the kindergarten class in an assembly. It makes me cry every time...oh the places they will go!
Sophie and one of her favorite teachers, Mrs. Church. She is the reading recovery specialist, but hopefully she will be working with Sophie this year as a gifted reader.
Everyone looks so happy to be back (especially Ben)! I am interested to hear how the gifted reading program goes for Sophie, and what they do and what she reads- keep us posted.
HANDSOME BOYS all 3 of 'em.
What a fun post! Everybody all ready.
I remember Garretts eyeball years.
Were those All the seniers?? : )
Yup all six of them! There was a significant drop in seniors this year. Don't worry next years class is much larger...15...
what fun! the kids looks so thrilled - but sophie looks as if she has done it all already and is a pro.
aaron is a cutie patutie
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