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Friday, August 28, 2009


Aaron has been reorganizing and rebuilding his workshop in the barn. The of course is a major draw for the boys. Ben kept escaping out to the barn to "study." I finally followed him one night. This is how Ben studies.

These photos are from August 21st.

Oh and if anyone fears for the block of knives in the workshop and Ben's safety, the barn is now locked with a hidden key.


Abby said...

haha! i was thinking about those knifes!
Ben! that is so cute - going out to 'study'. and what is that thing??? a huge magnifying glass?

Mama Ash Grove said...

Oh, he is so super cute.

I had meant to voice my admiration for your 33 pints of green beans and didn't, so I'll do it now: WOW!

Erica said...

So many great blog update!! I can't wait to chat about them some time.:)

Hannah Joy said...

Ben studying!!! He is so funny and cute. What on earth is that thing, and I am super curious what he is thinking when he plays with it. He probably feels REALLY important when he does whatever he is doing in there.