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Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Sober Post

Just a quick one as it is late, but my thoughts are fresh and I wanted to get them out before they are lost.

We were on our way home late this evening, having lingered too long at my (Lauren's) parents, when we passed the scene of a car accident. An SUV had hit and killed a momma and baby moose. I do not know the fate of the passengers of the car. I prayed for their health and well being. But I got to thinking...

What would have happened if we had not lingered too long at my parents??? Were those lazy thoughts that kept us there too long really promptings that kept us from being the ones to hit those moose? I don't know the answers to those questions, but it really bring to the forefront of my mind the preciousness of life. You really never know when it is your turn to be done with this mortal life. I am so grateful for every moment I have. After seeing an accident like that you have to wonder, is it so important for me to speed to get there on time? How important is is that I get the kids that drink bottle while driving etc...

I just wanted to get this out on "paper" so I can remember this feeling for a long time. Life is precious and don't take advantage of a single moment of it.

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